Metasploit helps security teams identify and verify vulnerabilities, improve security awareness and manage gnarly security situations. The Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. It is owned by Boston, Massachusetts-based security company Rapid7.
What will you find in the Metasploit Cheat Sheet: Framework Components, Meterpreter commands, Networking commands, Interface / output commands, Password management commands, Process handling commands, Msfvenom command options.
Framework Components:
Metasploit Meterpreter: The Meterpreter is a payload within the Metasploit Framework that provides control over an exploited target system, running as a DLL loaded inside of any process on a target machine.
Metasploit msfvenom: The msfvenom tool is a component of the Metasploit Framework that allows users to generate a standalone version of any payload within the framework. Payloads can be generated in a variety of formats including executable, Ruby script, and raw shellcode. The msfvenom tool can also encode payloads to help avoid detection.
Meterpreter commands:
? or Help | Shows all the available commands |
background | Move active session to background |
Bgkill | Terminate a background process |
bglist | Show background running scripts |
bgrun | Make a script run in background |
cat | Display file content |
cd or lcd | Change directory (local or remote) |
channel | Show active channels |
clearev | Clear the system logs |
edit | Edit a file in vi editor |
exit / quit | Exit the Meterpreter session |
getuid | Display user ID |
idletime | Display idle time of user |
kill (PID) | Terminate a running process |
migrate | Switch to another process |
ps | List and display running processes |
pwd or lpwd | Print working directory (local / remote) |
screenshot | Take a screenshot |
shell | Access shell on the target machine |
shutdown / reboot | Restart system |
sysinfo | Display system information |
upload or download | Upload / download a file |
use | Extension load |
Networking commands:
ipconfig: | Show network interface configuration |
portfwd: | Forward packets |
route: | View / edit network routing table |
Process handling commands:
execute: | Run a specified |
getpid | Display the process ID |
getprivs | Shows multiple privileges as possible |
getuid | Display the user ID |
kill | Stop and terminate a process |
migrate | Move to a given destination process ID |
ps: | Display running processes |
reg | Access target machine registry |
Shell | Access target machine shell |
Interface / output commands:
enumdesktops | Show all available desktops |
getdesktop | Display current desktop |
keyscan_dump | Dump keylogger content |
keyscan_start | Start keylogger in target machine |
keyscan_stop | Stop keylogger in target machine |
set_desktop | Configure desktop |
Password management commands:
hashdump | Access content of password file – Hash file |
Msfvenom command options:
-a | -a (Architecture or platform) | Define which platform to use |
-b | -b (characters) | Define set of characters not to use |
-e | -e(encoder) | Define which encoder to use |
-f | -f (format) | Output format |
-h | -h | Help |
-i | -i (Number of times) | Define number of times to use encoder |
-l | -l( list type) | List module type i.e payloads, encoders |
-o | -o (output) | Save a payload |
-p | -p (Payload option) | Display payload standard options |
-s | -s (Space) | Define maximum payload capacity |
-x | -x (File name ) | Define a custom file to use as template |