Recommendation for Key Management Part 1: General
NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements for federal information systems, but such standards...
NIST is responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements for federal information systems, but such standards...
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is an international information security standard designed to reduce payment card...
Organizations that process, transmit, and/or store cardholder data, either as a merchant or as a service provider, must comply with...
This article discusses the threat of terrorism in cyberspace and examines the truth of the perceptions of this threat that...
This article analyses the evolution and interplay of national policies and international diplomacy on cyber terrorism within and across the...
This paper discusses the concept of terrorism, who the terrorists are and develops an understanding of why they conduct the...
The 2007 cyber attacks against Estonia were a prime example of how hackers can operate within a nation’s cyber domain....
While the nation should maintain and expand the educational capabilities in cybersecurity given the current high demand for this sector,...
Traditional human rights concepts seem to fit Internet activity when it is broadly allied to conventional political mobilization and when...
Do hacktivists have ethics? Some would say yes and others suggest that no, they do not. Are there rules that...
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