Take control of your VIRTUAL IDENTITY
For some companies, a large component of their business model is to collect your personal data and share it with third parties.
These are typically social media platforms, email providers, search engines and software providers.
The data they collect may go beyond what you actively share with them on your public profile.
They might also track your emails, calendar, searches, locations, messages, pages you are interested in, and groups you take part in. With this data, they map your virtual identity based on your interests and your preferences.
They then monetise your virtual identity for targeted advertising.
According to the new rules on data protection that have to be applied since May 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation), when the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, this consent needs to be based on an informed decision and expressed through an affirmative action from your side.
You may have experienced many companies directly contacting you to accept their new terms and conditions and review your privacy settings in May 2018.
We strongly encourage you to carefully read the terms and conditions, and optimise your privacy settings so that the platforms do not process and disclose to third parties, data you are not willing
to share.
The platforms might also have asked for your consent for processing of additional personal data that are not necessary for the provision of the service.
This consent should be freely given, i.e. not made conditional on the provision of the service. In any case you can withdraw your consent at any time